Python vs R: The gladiator match between best programming languages for AI
Coding is just like playing football. You can learn the rules easily, but being the master is not a cakewalk. In this fast-evolving world, the need for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science is growing rapidly, leaving us less time to ponder why we learn it, what we do and how we master it. AI, ML and Data Science plays a crucial role in creating thousands of job opportunities. But most importantly, these technologies are the need of the day due to increased data availability, more powerful computing, and stress on the analytics-driven decision in business.
Programming languages are unique, beautiful, versatile and have exclusive features. They are the fundamental skills a programmer needs to master. A programmer needs to study, figure out, and analyze the languages before choosing the language which would suit and fulfill their needs.
The question still exists. “Which is the best programming for AI?”. There is no clear answer. However, we can pick 2 languages from the lot. Python and R. Both of them are free and open-source and are fantastic languages for data analytics. Just as Federer vs Nadal or Taylor Swift vs Kanye West or Batman vs Superman, Python v R is the gladiator match of the best programming languages for Artificial Intelligence.
The Premises
Python and R are the best languages for Artificial Intelligence. While Python is a general-purpose programming language, R inclines statistical analysis.
R is a powerful and highly extensible open-source language designed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman for scientific analysis and owns an all-inclusive catalog of statistical and graphical methods. R is used by popular companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Facebook.
Python, on the other hand, is a general-purpose programming language developed by Guido Van Rossum. It is a free and open-source object-oriented, high-level tool with integrated dynamic linguistics which simplifies answering problems with scientific data. Python programming is used by big players like Google, Youtube, NASA and many more.
The Area Of Application
R is best suited for extensive scientific research data as it has a large array of standard packages and ready-made solutions.
Python is however suited for beginners and pros alike. Python programming is suited for a simple web app to working on a complex, scientific AI program. The simple and elegant syntax makes python a popular language. Adding data analysis tasks to web applications is easier with Python.
Crests and Troughs
- Python is very popular among developers and hence more job opportunities.
- Python is suited for beginners and professionals alike.
- The availability of all functions
- Short and clear syntax
- High-speed operation and comfortable interface.
- Python has good community support
- For data analysis, R does not require any further installation of any additional packages. However, for larger data sets, packages like data.table are mandatory.
- R is compatible with various OS.
- Sheets from other tools like Microsoft sheets can be imported.
- Installing the IDE(RStudio) and additional packages are easy.
- Python programming lacks a common repository and doesn’t have an extensive library like R.
- Due to dynamic typing, it’s difficult to track faults with the incorrect assignment of data and is complicated to search for some functions.
- R is difficult to learn and writing bad code can occur frequently if not properly learned.
- The syntax is not easy. the documentation of less popular libraries is not complete.
- The community support of R is not as vast as Python.
There is no clear winner. Both languages are equally important for a data scientist. Each of the languages gives a good result for designing machine learning algorithms for automating complex data science tasks. If you want to pursue to be an AI geek or a data scientist, go the classic way. Learn both the languages, write sample codes and analyze the languages before choosing your AI buddy.
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