What Is The Scope Of Augmented Reality In 2019 & 2020?
Most businesses are still in medieval times. They never realize that there are various technology trends which can make their business unique as well as bring in sufficient revenue. And one among the highly anticipated trend is the augmented reality.
So What Is Augmented Reality For Business?
Augmented reality is penetrating deeper into businesses. Why? It is because their usage is wide. The technological upgrade is slowly becoming mandatory especially for handling the latest demand. Furthermore, technology is shaping better each day and there are various developers adopting themselves to the current trend. So, by putting these together, augmented reality software and technology has become the latest hero in the tech trend of the day.
Role Of Augmented Reality
The future of augmented reality is getting evident in various industries. Traveling, gaming, media, marketing, education, and entertainment are some of the major sectors where this one of the latest technology trends is creating an impact. Do you know the reason for such high demand? Well, it is simply due to the huge potential benefits of the augmented reality software which is able to make revolutionary innovations throughout many industries.
According to various statistics, by 2020, the future of augmented reality looks tremendous. It will reach about one billion users. Furthermore, worldwide shipment of smart augmented reality glasses run by augmented software is expected to reach about 5 million units by 2020. Even there is a high possibility that the augmented reality market is expected to have a growth rate of somewhat 80 billion US dollars by the end of 2020.
What To Expect?
If you are thinking about what is augmented reality’s role in the future, then it is simply radical improvements in augmented reality software and technology. So, how is it possible? Well, it is by the introduction of the gestural interface accompanied by sensory feedback which can simply fuse the physical word with a lot of digital information.
Some of the major technology trends augmented reality can bring in 2020 are:
- 3-D visualization and mapping capabilities. This is in conjunction with the augmented reality software and technology which can assist in navigating places using situational awareness.
- Screen-less future will easily become a reality. Since any wearables will be ubiquitous, so any future surface will double up the screen.
- Gestural interfaces are something that humans can use with their body language and actions to control technology. It will redefine the human-technology relationship which ultimately ushers into an omnipresent ‘sixth sense’.
- Visualization of the data will end by becoming seamless. Since users can easily access the centralized data which is present on the go through wearable technologies. This will result in finding applications in law enforcement, human services, and emergency response.
What Is Augmented Reality Impact On Business In 2019?
Let’s check out the impact augmented reality software and tools have on business in 2019 and coming years.
- Future Of Marketing
The great aspect of augmented reality which is one of the best technology trends is that it is indeed an innovative method which can make users feel connected. In addition, this exquisite technological trend has been taken advantage by many corporates and brands in making their business reach the public.
Advertising is one of the best ways of communications for businesses to audiences. And for this augmented reality serves the purpose. With the assistance of the augmented reality, users can view ads in 3D view along with the full details as there is the presence of high resolutions. So, the future of augmented reality in influencing marketing is great in 2019 and 2020.
- Increasing Number Of Users
Nowadays, more and more users have started to realize the importance and need of the augmented reality. Various statistics and studies show that the number of users who are using augmented reality software and tools have tremendously increased. This is more common in the gaming industry where in games like Pokemon GO, Zombies Run, etc the numbers of users playing have increased, thereby skyrocketing the demand for augmented reality.
- Apple AR Kit
Somewhat you can say that the launch of the Apple AR Kit during the Apple developers conference has revolutionized the future of augmented reality. The conference that took place in June 2017 has drastically influenced business in 2018 and will continue in 2019 too. With this kit, app developers can easily integrate digital experiences along with the physical business world using the various augmented reality software and apps. Most importantly, this feature works great with the iPhone X that runs on iOS 11.
- Social Media Platform
Nowadays, there are various social media platforms which are shifting from the integration of the augmented reality using their platform. Like Facebook which is working on the augmented reality smart glass that is to incorporate the augmented reality in its platform. Augmented reality is really going to change the face of technology and will be the next computing platform, as per Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook.
So, Can Augment Reality Go Great Guns in 2019 & 2020?
As stated above, augmented reality software and tools can transform the fate of the business in 2019 and the coming years. There are multiple industries which are getting augmented reality incorporated into their system. This can help in making it viral like social platforms, games, marketing, and the list goes on and on.
What is augmented reality future? Well, it is really big and will easily be useful for various start-ups and technological giants. So, no doubt augmented reality is going to rule the tech world in the near future.